Proper Planning
Hair transplantation first of all begins with proper planning, the situation of the region where the roots will be taken and the openness of the hairless region are considered together and we conduct Proper Planning accordingly.

Homogenous Transplantation
Homogeneous (even distribution) intake, use of the right punch and a sufficient number of root removal are the most important issues in hair transplantation.

Team of Experts
First of all, this is a team job, so an experienced team is very important. Hair transplanters should be highly specialized in this field and have been doing this work for many years.
It is now known that the safest, the most permanent and the healthiest method used in solving hairlessness problems is hair transplantation.Especially, as predicted in the literature,it has been proven in reality by experience that the hair transplanted by removing from the neck doesn’t fall. The graft, which has been transplanted hair until today has shown this characteristic that is foreseen in the place it is applied.
To experience the joy of hair transplantation and to get the desired result from this technical process, you should consult a team that respects people and their work, is experienced in their work, knows the ethical rules and has these.In hair transplantation, the color of your hair, thinness-thickness, color of your skin also affect the results of hair transplantation. Only a team who knows all this technique can succeed in hair transplantation.
Hair transplantation is considered as an easy surgical procedure in all countries where it is implemented. Still, the operation can change depending on the number of graft-FU (follicular units) to be planted and last for 4-6 hours. It is completely performed under local anesthesia and the person does not feel pain.Before the operation, the number of hairs that can be transplanted and removed is determined by a large hair analysis-examination.
The information and warnings to be followed after the operation will explain what the person should do in detail and are given in written form. These information and warnings are more related to washing and it covers a period of fifteen days.After this time, there is no need to pay attention.
Thin hair is not your destiny anymore
After Hair
A few days after the operation, the patient’s first dressing is performed. Very small dot-shaped wound occurs in the transplantation area and this is a natural condition expected. These wounds heal in a maximum of 1 month.
The patient is discharged on the same day after hair transplantation with FUE without surgery or incision. There’s no need for clinical rest. In the case of receiving hair graft with tissue from the patient, a special dressing is applied to this area.
Things to do at home
After discharge, patients are advised to rest at home on the day of the operation and the day after. They are asked not to spend time outside as much as possible. On the day of the transaction and the next day, they must be careful not to bend their heads down at home. They can use computer without bending down. Patients should not rub the head area.